Saturday 13 August 2016

14 points of the great leader Quaid e Azam

14 points of the great leader Quaid e Azam 

The Hindu political parties like Congress and Hindu Mahasabha started emphasizing that the right of separate electorate acquired by the Muslims should be abolished, as it was harmful for the idea of a United Indian Nation. Under these circumstances the Hindu-Muslim differences started increasing. An All-Parties Committee was convened under the leadership of Mr. Motilal Nehru. The report of this committee was debated upon in Calcutta in an All-Parties Convention in December 1928. Quaid-i-Azam put up a few important amendments in the “Nehru Report”. These were about the reservation of one-third seats for the Muslims in 18 the Central Assembly, allocation of seats in the Punjab and Bengal on the basis of population, and entrusting the Residual Authority to the center. These amendments were turned down by the Hindus.  Quaid-i-Azam was, therefore, forced to say, 

In 1928,an All Parties Conference was convened to solve the constitutional problems of India.A committee was set up under Pandit Lal Nehru.That committee prepared a report which is known as "Nehru Report".This report demanded "Dominion Status" for India.Separate electorates were refused and the reservation of seats for the Muslims of Bengal and Punjab was rejected.In this report,not a single demand of the Muslims was upheld.
Since Nehru Report was the last word from Hindus therefore Mr.Jinnah was authorized to draft in concise term the basis of any future constitution that was to be devised for India.Originally these demands were Fourteen in number and so they popularly came to be known as "Jinnah's Fourteen Points".
In March 1929 ,at the annual session of All india Muslim league,he declared his famous fourteen points.

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